Town Of Wausaukee
December 17,2024
Regular Town Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Wausaukee Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Jeff Engelmann; Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha; Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Clerk Cheryl Stumbris, Treasurer Hope Wesolowski
Others Present: Bob Wesolowski; Jack Pociask; James Pociask
Chairman Jeff Engelmann called the meeting to order at 7P.M.
Motion to Approve agenda was made by Supervisor Brandon Taylor;
Seconded by Supervisor Vicky Mueller; Motion Carried.
Motion to Approve Minutes as read was made by Supervisor Vicky Mueller; Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor; Motion Carried.
Financial Report
BOH as of 11/30/2024
Checking $2,282.30
MM General Account $ 256,824.74
Motion to Approve financial report was made by Supervisor Dennis Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor Matthew Jicha; Motion Carried
Vouchers were reviewed by all board members and approved.
Board of Supervisors reviewed GFL Contract. They found some concerns and will follow up at January 14th Meeting; Representative from GFL will address questions and concerns.
Supervisor Dennis Taylor made a motion approve “Conditional Use Permit” with no concerns. Seconded by Supervisor Matt Jicha; Motion carried.
Discussion/Action Clerk wage increase tabled to January 14, 2025 meeting.
Operators Licenses for Austin Stedman was approved on a motion by Supervisor Brandon Taylor, seconded by Supervisor Vicky Mueller, Motion carried.
Chairman Engelmann gave update on Glendale Bridge; Currently working with property owner where Bridge Detour will be.
Dog licenses are required in the Town of Wausaukee, per Chapter 174 of State statute. For your convenience, the treasurer will be available to issue dog licenses at the Wausaukee Town Hall at N11856 HWY 141 on January 4th; 11th; 18th; & 25th, 2025 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Fee for spayed or neutered dogs is $3.00. Fees for dogs that are not spayed or neutered are $8.00. A multiple Dog License is required if more than 3 dogs are on a single property. Please remember to bring proof of rabies vaccination for each dog.
Supervisor Dennis Taylor made a motion to adjourn at 7:24 pm; seconded by Supervisor Vicky Mueller. Motion carried.