


Town Of Wausaukee

Annual Meeting,

April 16, 2024

7:00 PM

Wausaukee Town Hall


Members Present: Chairman Jeff Engelmann; Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Clerk Cheryl Stumbris; Treasurer Hope Wesolowski

Members Absent: Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha

Others Present: Bob Wesolowski; Jack Pociask; James Pociask; Brian Hoffman; Tayla Tetzloff

Chairman Engelmann called the meeting to order at 7 P.M.

*The minutes of the 2023 Annual meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Supervisor Brandon Taylor; seconded by Bob Wesolowski; Motion carried.

*The 2023 Annual Report was approved by a motion from James Pociask; seconded by Brian Hoffman; Motion carried


*Hope Wesolowski made a motion to retain SNBT as the Town’s Depository; Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor, Motion Carried

* Jack Pociask made a motion to allow the Town of Wausaukee to borrow funds as needed from an institution of their choice; Bob Wesolowski seconded; motion carried.

*Supervisor Vicky Mueller made a motion to set 2024 Annual Meeting to 3rd Tuesday of April 2025 at 7 PM Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor, Motion carried.

*Chairman Engelmann gave his State of the Town Address

Town of Wausaukee has a lot of growth

Property Sale monies invested in CD with good interest rate.

Fire Department looking at new fire truck in next 3-4 years.

Rescue Squad doing well; currently on a 3year contract ; also doing some fund raiser; grant applications are also out there. Tax increase will help a good amount for road construction and other things will get fixed up.

Assessed values are growing each year.


Supervisor Dennis Taylor made a motion to adjourn Annual Meeting at 7:11 PM; Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor. Motion carried