Town Of Wausaukee
April 16,2024
Regular Town Board Meeting
6:00 PM
Wausaukee Town Hall
Clerk swore in Re-elected Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor. Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha was sworn in on an earlier date.
Members Present: Chairman Jeff Engelmann; Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Clerk Cheryl Stumbris, Treasurer Hope Wesolowski
Members Absent: Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha
Others Present: Bob Wesolowski; Jack Pociask; James Pociask; Brian Hoffman; Tayla Tetzlaff
Chairman Jeff Engelmann called the meeting to order at 6 P.M.
Motion to Approve agenda was made by Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller;
Seconded by Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Motion Carried.
Motion to Approve Minutes as read was made by Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Motion Carried.
Financial Report
BOH as of 3/31/2024
Checking $8,156.72
MM General Account $ 549,129.77
Motion to Approve financial report was made by Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Motion Carried
Vouchers were reviewed by all board members and approved.
Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor made a motion to approve Easement # 3315474 from WPS; Seconded by Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller. Motion approved.
Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller gave a report on recent WI Towns Association 2024 District Meeting Board of Review Training. Time frame and Procedures of the BOR is extremely important. She also spoke with Mary Felzkowski (State Representative). She urged the Town Board to email her if we had concerns that the criteria for Grants are not within our means or that we could not take advantage of these grants. The more people who contact her with these concerns the chances become better to make grants available to us. She also stated that there are compliance laws for Fire and Rescue coming soon; which will result in lessen aids.
The culvert / inventory program will be completed by Supervisor 2 Matt Jicha.
At the Regular Towns Association meeting they gave update on where things are at with Broadband future with Spectrum . They are currently hoping to be by Wausaukee by 2025. They are coming up Hwy 180; Hwy 64 and in Coleman. They will head north from Hwy 180. Survey found on website(TOWNOFWAUSAUKEE.COM) will be beneficial to homeowners if filled out. Clerk also noted that Brightspeed is doing upgrades in the area also if we have any suggestions to let them know.
Supervisor Mueller will continue with discussions on garbage carriers.
Supervisor Vicky Mueller made a motion to set Board of Review date for the Town of Wausaukee to be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday May 14, 2024 as required by State Statutes at 6:59 PM. But will immediately adjourn to later date; Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor, Motion carried.
Board of Supervisors had a short discussion regarding ATV /UTV routes in the Town of Wausaukee. There was NO Action.
Supervisor Dennis Taylor made a motion to adjourn at 7:37 pm; Seconded by Supervisor Bradley Tayor. Motion approved.