


Town Of Wausaukee

March 7, 2024

Regular Town Board Meeting

7:00 PM

Wausaukee Town Hall


Members Present: Chairman Jeff Engelmann; Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha; Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Clerk Cheryl Stumbris, Treasurer Hope Wesolowski

Others Present: Bob Wesolowski; Jack Pociask; James Pociask; Zetta Kolf; Thomas Arthur; Brock & Tayla Tetzlaff.

Chairman Jeff Engelmann called the meeting to order at 7P.M.

Motion to Approve agenda was made by Supervisor 2 Vicky Mueller; Seconded by Supervisor 3 Matt Jicha; Motion Carried.

Motion to Approve Minutes as read was made by Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha; Motion Carried.

Financial Report

BOH as of 2/29/2024

Checking $2,611.88

MM General Account $ 596,632.09

Motion to Approve financial report was made by Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Motion Carried

Vouchers were reviewed by all board members and approved.

No Audience comments.

Tom Arthur and Zetta Kolf representatives from Wausaukee Rescue Squad gave report on financials of the squad. Tom started with update on current status of municipalities under contract with WRS. The current method of determining the funding by each municipality is by number of parcels and mill rate. 2025 funding to Rescue Squad will be determined by equalized value formula of each municipality and will be used for next 3 years. Zetta handed out reports on financials and went through line by line answering any questions asked.

Supervisor Vicky Mueller made a motion to appoint Chairman Jeff Engelmann Highway Superintendent, seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor. Motion carried.

Chairman Engelmann reported we are up for TRIP Grant this year. When we finalize Road Construction plan, we will determine which road will be funded by TRIP Grant monies. He also chatted with Eric Burmeister about Agriculture Road Improvement Program. This grant application is much more complex and we would likely have to hire a consultant for this process. It would be very costly and chances are slim. Chairman Englemann will pursue another avenue regarding this grant.

Supervisor Matt Jicha suggested a workshop to include roadwork; Paser rating; inventory and mapping for the Road Crew if they would like to attend. Chairman Engelmann made a motion to send one person to workshop covering cost of registration not exceed $500.00; Seconded by Supervisor Dennis Taylor; Motion carried.

Current Local Municipalities are required to submit their local structure inventory data. Towns have the option to hire Road Management Services or do it themselves. Supervisor Matt Jicha is open to doing this task for the Town.

Road Construction plan for 2024 is parts of Grogan Rd; Lubka Rd; Long Lake Rd; Pennington Rd & misc. crack filling

Supervisor 3 Matt Jicha made a motion to approve Operators license for Kelly Storrm & Megan White, seconded by Supervisor 2 Branden Taylor

Clerk Read letter to the board from Jay Nelson regarding his concerns about Town Recycling Program

Clerk noted that April Monthly Meeting is April 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm; followed by Annual Meeting at 7:00 pm

Supervisor Dennis Taylor made a motion to adjourn at 8:08 pm; seconded by Supervisor Matt Jicha. Motion carried.