

Town Of Wausaukee

January 9, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting

7:00 PM

Wausaukee Town Hall


Members Present: Chairman Jeff Engelmann; Supervisor 1 Vicky Mueller; Supervisor 2 Brandon Taylor; Supervisor 3 Matthew Jicha; Supervisor 4 Dennis Taylor; Clerk Cheryl Stumbris, Treasurer Hope Wesolowski

Others Present: None

Chairman Jeff Engelmann called the meeting to order at 7P.M.

Motion to Approve agenda was made by Supervisor Matt Jicha; Seconded by Supervisor Vicky Mueller; Motion Carried.

Motion to Approve Minutes as read was made by Supervisor Dennis Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor Matt Jicha; Motion Carried.

Financial Report

BOH as of 12/31/2023

Checking $18,115.85

MM General Account $ 563,876.77

Motion to Approve financial report was made by Supervisor Dennis Taylor; Seconded by Supervisor Vicky Mueller; Motion Carried

Vouchers were reviewed by all board members and approved.

No Audience Comments

Supervisor Matt Jicha made a motion to Approve appointment of Jasen Brown Agent “Country Roads Bar & Grill LLC”. Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor; Motion carried.

Supervisor Matt Jicha made a motion to Approve Liquor License & Cigarette License for “Country Roads Bar & Grill LLC” pending all information is provided. Seconded by Supervisor Brandon Taylor; Motion carried.

Supervisor made a motion to adjourn o Board of Audit at 7:13 pm; Seconded by Supervisor. Motion carried.